Monday, April 28, 2008

Apple FireWire Effective bandwidth of the USB 2.0

Apple FireWire is a cross-platform of the High-Speed Serial Bus data that move large amounts of data between computers and peripheral devices. It has simplified wiring, hot swapping and transmission rates of up to 800 megabits per second. Fortunately, FireWire and Universal Serial Bus (USB): faster and easier to use replacement for serial and parallel ports.
A simple common plug-in serial port on the back of your computer and on many different types of peripheral devices a thin serial cable and not thicker than the parallel cable you now to your printer, example
A for very high speed data transmission, housing multimedia applications hot-plug and plug & play capability without being connected to the computer the ability to chain devices together in a number of different ways, without complicated terminators or set-up requirements
FireWire is integrated into the PowerMacs, iMacs, E-Macs, Mac Books, Mac Book Pro and the iPod. Firewire ports were also in many other computer products from the Power Macintosh G3 computer. All these machines also Firewire ports, with up to 400 megabits per second and the latest machines include FireWire ports 1394b that the support and operation of up to 800 megabits per second. USB 2.0 offers several advantages such as low cost, expandability and auto-configuration, hot plug and outstanding performance. It also offers the power to the bus, so that many peripheral devices to operate without the need for an additional power supply. Because USB is a standard third-party hardware is identical for all platforms, only to the different software available for a particular OS.
Apple FireWire offers:-
A simple common plug-in serial port on the back of your computer and on many different types devices
A of peripheral thin serial cable rather thicker than the parallel cable you now to your printer, example
A for very high speed data transmission, housing multimedia applications (100 and 200 megabits per second today with much higher rates later)
Hot - Plug and Plug & play capability, without the ability to computer
The chain devices together in a number of different ways, without terminators or complicated set-up requirements
How Apple FireWire Works There are two levels of interface in IEEE 1394, one for the Backplane bus within the computer and another for the point-to-point interface between the equipment and computer via the serial cable. A simple bridge connects the two environments. The backplane bus supports 12.5, 25 or 50 megabits per second data transmission. The cable interface supports 100, 200 or 400 megabits per second. Each of these interfaces can each of the possible data rates and change from one to another as needed.
The serial bus functions as if devices were in slots inside the computer with a common memory available. A 64-bit device address allows a high degree of flexibility in the configuration of equipment in chains and trees from a single socket.
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